Flutter Butterfly Sanctuary Wiki
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Pyropina Phantom
Red Flasher§Headericon
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Amber Phantom
#85 Red Flasher
(Currently not available through the incubator)

Icon§Butterflies Icon§HD Icon§Flutterpedia Icon§HD Icon§Caterpillar Icon§HD Icon§Chrysalis Icon§HD Icon§Egg

Red Flasher§Facebook

Scientific Name: Panacea prola (Event)
Set: Fantasma Set§Icon Fantasma
Rarity: RarityIcon§Rare Rare
Size: SizeIcon§Medium Medium

Incubation Time: 3 hours
Caterpillar Time: 45 minutes
Egg Lay Cost Icon§Lay Egg: Icon§Flutterbuck 100
Special Visitor Price: Icon§Flutterbuck 200

Special Ability: A short fireworks show.
Cooldown: 4 hours

Description: Communication is key when resting in groups. When danger does come, this butterfly warns its friends by fanning its bright red underside!

Level Data
Level Pollen to next level Honeydew Production Sale Price
Level0Icon 75 Icon§PollenSmall Icon§HD 103 every 45 minutes Icon§HD 3,000
Level1Icon 150 Icon§PollenBig Icon§HD 205 every 90 minutes Icon§HD 3,000
Level2Icon 225 Icon§TwoPollen Icon§HD 308 every 135 minutes Icon§HD 12,000
Level3Icon 300 Icon§ThreePollen Icon§HD 410 every 3 hours Icon§HD 27,000
Level4Icon 375 Icon§FourPollen Icon§HD 513 every 225 minutes Icon§HD 48,000
Level5Icon total: 1,125 Icon§FourPollen Icon§HD 615 every 270 minutes Icon§HD 75,000
